Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Kids are home!

Kids are home! From college, that is. This may be a familiar scene to some as summer nears. Hey, it could be worse - could be piles of clothes sitting by the washer! Amongst the stuff here is a diploma folder - so it's all good. This is truly a transition time. Eldest daughter about to go off on post-collegiate pursuits. Big plans. Headed for LA. Not one to go for the easy, predictable route in life. Other college daughter will be spending summer in classes and at a job to keep down costs. Son will be here another year before college. I don't think it's totally hit me yet that one of the brood is about to "leave the nest". I'm being eased into the empty nest stage of life slowly - over about 9 years! Yep, there will be one or more kids in college for that long in my family. At least I'm done, took one off the rolls. Now, how many years will it be to pay for all of this higher education?? I'm workin' on my alternative means of income!!

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