Monday, May 25, 2009

MORE fame...not fortune...

Been seeking a good web service to display photography and make it easily available to people for purchase. Through connections with other photographers on Twitter, I found

Spent a lot of time this weekend sorting through a few thousand images from the last couple of years. RedBubble has a global community and groups of special interest. So far I've contributed to Texas (of course), New York and Italy. The cool thing is my photos made each of those group pages, displayed under "Recent Work". By the time you read this, they may be gone because the work rotates quickly. But it was gratifying to see my photos on those pages and getting at least a few clicks for viewing.

To answer your question: no, I have not yet quit my "day job".

But now I see that all things take time, and if I'd stuck with some projects I started about 9 years ago, I'd be a lot further along now. So, re-starting...

Texas group:
Italy group:
New York group:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting about RedBubble. I didn't realize that RedBubble has a New York Group; I just joined and added a few works to the collection. Now that you have "more fame," I wish you all the fortune. I wrote an article on RB about selling - RedBubble member name: Jersey2J